Ways To Develop Your Employees

Employee and skills development in an organization is vital. Your employees are the people who will bring turnover and profits to your company. Skills development is important so that employees will deliver a quality service, help in achieving targets, reducing wastage and defects etc. Here are a few things you could do to develop them.

1. Training and self-directed learning

A well designed training programme which includes orientation, on-the-job training and classroom instructions can be used. Also internet-learning is a great option where employees can access learning material at any time, even on weekends at home. A self-directed learning plan can also be implemented where the employer will get the ideas of the employee too and come up with goals that the employee can achieve. Here, the employee will solely be in charge of their own learning.

2. Coaching and mentoring

Here you can hire a life coach Perth who will guide the employees not only regarding work, but also career goals and life as a whole. Most employees find this method to be the best since they tend to find it easier to talk to the coach, relate to them and also develop. Effective coaching will result in improved quality and quantity of work, while the employees will improve their communication and problem solving skills. 

3. Employee promotions

After reviewing the feedback given by the life coach Perth on how well the employees have improved, you can offer them job promotions. This is the best way in rewarding your employees for their performance. Higher positions will motivate them which will then result in more employee skills development and also, they will be loyal and retain in the company.

4. Job enrichment and rotation

Job enrichment is when the responsibility and authority of the employee is increased while in the current position. This will motivate them to try out new skills and also specialize in new areas. Job rotation is when the employee is moved from one job to another in the same position. For example, if an employee was in the cutting department in a garment factory, now they will be transferred to the packing department. This will be very effective to avoid job-monotony since employees can get fed-up of doing the same job for a long period of time. This will also increase their range of skills, letting them specialize in many fields.

These few ways can improve and develop your employees so that their productivity will increase and your company will experience higher turnover and profits. It is true that training and coaching can be expensive, however the productivity you earn through it can be much larger than the expense. So make it a point to give your employees adequate skill development opportunities.